The drive belt or multi ribbed belt is an essential component of your vehicle. The primary belt function is to supply power to the steering system, water pump, air pump (if equipped) air conditioner and alternator. The belt is connected to the drive pulley of the engine to supply power. If the belt fails it will almost always render your vehicle inoperable until the drive belt is replaced. Typically most people are able to replace a serpentine belt themselves with basic automotive repair knowledge. When replacing the belt draw a diagram of the belt routing before you start to avoid confusion. If you have removed the drive belt and need the belt routing you can look it up on a belt routing diagram.
There are two different types of belts primarily; the first is a serpentine belt which tends to cross the motor several times to operate additional components. There are several names that are used to describe a serpentine belt, including Poly-V, Multi-Rib, and even a Micro-V Belt. However, all of these terms mean the exact same thing and do not change the way the belt is routed, or the type of material the belt is constructed from. A serpentine belt tends to have several V's in the belt that act as better grip for the drive pulley and components of the drive belt system.
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